Wednesday, May 20, 2015

WoW Memories in Screenshots: 2014

2014.  The year before Back to the Future, part 2 took place.  Where are our hoverboards?  We're now on Patch 5.4.2.  We can now mail account-bound items to characters on other realms and there is an ingame Blizzard store selling pets and mounts.  This will likely be the last year I do for the WoW Memories in Screenshots posts.  Begin!

January 6, 2014  -  Since I was too busy New Years day consuming alcohol and food with friends and family, I didn't get any screenshots of the New Years fireworks.  So instead here's some Darkmoon Faire fireworks.  Bam.
January 12, 2014  -  Evermaw is one of the many 'rare' mobs that spawns on the Timeless Isle.  It moves faster than run speed, so you need to mount up and chase it when it moves too far to attack.  It could take a while to kill.  With our little group here it took probably 10 minutes.
January 12, 2014  -  Pandaria eye candy.
January 21, 2014  -  Even though Cataclysm wasn't that long ago, a lot of people have never seen this event that starts when someone completes the legendary staff questline.
February 2, 2014  -  One of many screenshots featured in this post with sunshafts and flying mounts.
February 5, 2014  -  My main (and a few of my alts) keep a "head" collection from old raid bosses.  There's a few you can't get anymore like the Level 60 head of Onyxia.
February 13, 2014  -  I miss flying.
February 21, 2014  -  Upon arrival at the Thousand Needles, Horde get a little canoe ride to the local quest hub.
February 25, 2014  -  No idea what this was.  Mini flying saucer?
February 28, 2014  -  Using a goblin rocket strapped to my back is a bad idea you say?  But they say its safe!
March 7, 2014  -  Wrapping up questing in the Blasted Lands.  Alas Nethergarde Keep, we knew it well.
March 7, 2014  -  I had intended to hit level 60 with my newest toon, my Horde Paladin, at the same spot my first toon hit 60.  I messed up and leveled too soon though, so I came here to take a screenshot anyway.
March 8, 2014  -  Recreated an old screenshot / wallpaper I did in 2006 here.  Now with more Cataclysm!
March 26, 2014  -  There was a time when we couldn't fly inside Dalaran too.  Before I had this shiny new (to me) Volcanic Stone Drake.
March 28, 2014  -  Recreated another old screenshot.  Level 70 in the same place as my first character.
April 22, 2014  -  More Pandaria eye candy.
April 30, 2014  -  This is a little easter egg in Netherstorm near Manaforge Coruu.  Is is a shrine to the cancelled Starcraft: Ghost game.
May 15, 2014  -  Heading to Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight.  I was passing over the Ruby Dragonshrine and the sky was tinted red at just the right time.
June 12, 2014  -  Well there's something you don't see every day.  I don't even remember what mount this is, but it looked amazing.
June 15, 2014  -  The Howling Fjord in Northrend.  More Wrath of the Lich King eye candy.
June 27, 2014  -  Got a cool shot above Stormwind as I was preparing to dive bomb and steal the fire for the Midsummer Fire Festival.
July 5, 2014  -  Finally completed my Legendary Cloak questline. Sadly it bugged out my player hologram thing.
July 24, 2014  -  Using the Dungeon Finder tool, I got popped into a Oculus group on the last boss.  People used to hate this place.  Now they're just confused.
July 25, 2014  -  Mmm.  Legendary Cloak proc goodness.
July 31, 2014  -  While waiting for Warlords of Draenor I began leveling up some dusty old alts that hadn't seen the outside of the city in a while.  This was an accidental screenshot that just happened to get snapped at the right time.
August 4, 2014  -  Hunter's moon over Silithus.
August 10, 2014  -  The Lion's Pride Inn is still the place to be.
August 12, 2014  -  After it was announced that Warlords of Draenor wouldn't have flying at launch (or at all as it is now seeming to be as of May 2015),  I began to appreciate flying more and started using my favorite Netherdrakes more.
August 22, 2014  - Sunset while flying out of The Hinterlands.
September 15, 2014  -  So I guess with Warlords of Draenor coming, someone decided to empty all the feasts out of their Guild Bank.
September 23, 2014  -  Completion of the Mists of Pandaria storyline.  Epic.
October 1, 2014  -  Flying eye candy.  This was taken flying from Dun Morogh to the Wetlands, just about over Menethil Harbor.
October 13, 2014  -  More Netherdrake goodness :)
October 14, 2014  -  A few hours before the servers went down to apply Patch 6.0.2.  Many people gathered at the Dark Portal to see it before it changed from Green to Red.
October 14, 2014  -  Naturally there were still people camping the spawn point.
October 14, 2014  -  As the servers went down, I went to the top of Aldrassil in Teldrassil, took my armor off and jumped.  I went down at the same time the servers did.  And when they came back up with the new character models, I'd notice the difference right away.

October 14, 2014  -  Patch 6.0.2 - "The Iron Tide" released.

November 2, 2014  -  One of the possible results from using the Last Deck of Nemelex Xobeh, obtained from the Darkmoon Faire
November 5, 2014  -  Strange blood elf / demon mobs in a cave underneath the Darkmoon Isle.  The drop an item that starts a quest for a toy called The Ring of Broken Promises.
November 6, 2014  -  A short series of quests were available at Level 90 that comprised the Warlords of Draenor pre-release "event".  They were kinda nifty and gave semi-useful rewards, but only took like 20 minutes to complete.
November 6, 2014  -  Alliance and Horde supposedly working together to beat the Iron Horde back through the Dark Portal.
November 6, 2014  -  In the assault, the Iron Horde destroyed Nethergarde Keep and took over the ruins, as well as Okril'lon Hold.
November 13, 2014  -  Only a little while before Warlords of Draenor went live.  Pretty much the entire server came to the Blasted Lands.
November 13, 2014  -  So many people were there that they wouldn't all be visible at the same time.
November 13, 2014  -  Depending on exactly where I was in the sky I could see more or less.
November 13, 2014  -  About 15 minutes early, Warlords of Draenor went live.  Thousands spammed the NPC for the quest and stormed through the portal.
November 13, 2014  -  Unfortunately the servers were not quite ready for the load.  Most eventually crashed.  Over the next few hours and days, there was lag, server crashes and waiting in queue for hours to login.  Eventually things settled down, but the first few days were pretty rough.  Blizzard compensated everyone with 5 days of free play time.
November 13, 2014  -  Fortunately after years of learning, Blizzard made major quest NPCs taggable by anyone.  So even with all these people here, you only had to land a few hits to get quest credit.  It wasn't the same with all mobs though and with so many people in the same spot, we had to wait a while sometimes.
November 13, 2014  -  At one point the server crashed and sent everyone in Draenor back to their hearth.  This was probably the last time the Shrines in the Vale saw so many people at once.
November 14, 2014  -  As with other expansions, scheduled off a few days of work to play Warlords when it came out.
November 14, 2014  -  The Temple of Karabor was originally meant to be the Alliance city in Draenor.  Now it is the location of a major quest in Shadowmoon Valley.  Although the quest is quite epic, it still feels like a waste for such amazing architecture.
November 14, 2014  -  Completing that long questline causes the NPCs to come out and rally to you as a hero.  Reminded me of the Draenei starting zone.
November 14, 2014  -  Ugh.  Guess I'll go take a shower or read a book while waiting.
November 15, 2014  -  Cool coastline.  The coast of Draenor is surrounded by mushrooms under the water.  Like Zangarmarsh.
November 15, 2014  -  Amazing effects in some of these areas.
November 15, 2014  -  Big stuff going down.   Fun quest and an epic cutscene.
November 16, 2014  -  Another of the bugs involving instances. Sometimes you couldn't get back in to your garrison.
November 16, 2014  -  My Level 100 screenshot would've been more epic if I had gotten the timing better, but this works too!
December 4, 2014  -  No Egbert, don't eat the gnome!
December 8, 2014  -  Ever stop and just look up?  There's lots to see in the skies of Draenor.
December 25, 2014  -  Busy Christmas Day in Ironforge.
December 26, 2014  -  My close friend and housemate bought me this Enchanted Fey Dragon for Christmas.
December 31, 2014  -  Tried not to miss the fireworks!!!

At the end of 2014, we were a little more than a month and a half into Warlords of Draenor.  Patch 6.0.3b was lived with Patch 6.1 over 2 months away.  As of writing in May 2015,  Patch 6.2 is on the Public Test Realm with an unknown release date.  It includes the first major updates to Warlords of Draenor with a new Raid (Hellfire Citadel), Zone (Tanaan Jungle) and a bunch of items, quests, etc. etc.  As of writing there is still no word on whether or not flying will be added.

This will be the last WoW Memories in Screenshots.  Thank you for joining me.  I hope you enjoyed the trip down memory lane.

Al diel shala.

Previous: 2013

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